Spotting Services to Make Your Online Deliveries Smooth

spotting services

Delivering goods to customers on time means that every part of your supply chain must function efficiently. This includes the yard with its inbound and outbound freight which is an essential cog in your supply chain. It is an area where many mishaps can occur and cause delays. Spotting services are essential to optimize inventory and promote warehouse efficiency. Using them can improve your efficiency which will enhance your brand reputation and you will impress your customers with your smooth online deliveries.

What are spotting services?

Spotting services generally include experienced drivers, specialized equipment, and overseers. Trailer spotters eliminate the issue of waiting as they organize the arrangement and movement of trailers in the yard.

When a truck arrives at a yard, the driver checks in at the gate and goes to a parking lot to drop the trailer. A spotter will get instructions to fetch the trailer, move it to the dock door and then move the loaded trailer to the parking. Various other spotters have other duties to perform in the yard.

spotting services to make secondary

Why are they needed?

Late deliveries can result in missed opportunities, financial losses, and customer dissatisfaction. The reason for late deliveries is often due to inefficient loading process.

A spotting service will prioritize the arrival of trucks at the gate, keep track of vehicle locations within the yard, identify trailer contents, reduce unnecessary movements and provide overall visibility in the yard. Expediting deliveries, identifying possible problems, and locating missing trailers is no longer an issue.

Real-time visibility and location tracking

With real-time information, there’s complete visibility from the moment trucks and trailers arrive at the gate to the moment they leave a facility.

Having real-time visibility into when they arrive and depart can reduce or eliminate demurrage costs and prioritize live loads to reduce or eliminate detention costs. Real-time visibility improves decision-making and makes it possible to achieve good management control.

Inventory accuracy

Spotters can reduce the shrinkage and spoilage of inventory. With software and hardware, they can identify, locate and manage inventory throughout the supply chain predictably and cost-effectively. This means being able to fill customer orders accurately and on time. Companies making online deliveries can avoid costly mistakes and reduce stock-outs and backorders.

Use of digital technology

Moving trailers, managing flow, and maintaining inventory visibility are just some of the tasks of spotters. If they don’t have the right technology in place, their workflows are very manual, time-consuming and the potential for errors is high. Using modern technology can help spotters to perform their jobs more effectively and faster which means more cost savings.

Contact us

One of the most important factors for customers is the smooth delivery of online purchases. Day-to-day yard operations may not be at the forefront of your business but streamlined yard management is essential for success. EGA Logistics is a third-party logistics provider that offers many services, including spotting services. Contact us at +1 (888) 496-1102 to request a quote or to find out more about the many services we offer.

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