EGA Logistics Moves Corporate Offices to New Location to Grow Business in the Midwest and Southeast

yard spotting services

INDIANAPOLIS, May 15, 2023 ( – EGA Logistics, a company that offers shuttle and spotting services among others, recently moved their corporate offices. The new location of EGA Logistics is 101 W Ohio St., Suite 2000 Indianapolis IN 46204. 

Situated in downtown Indianapolis, this location expands the range of companies that EGA Logistics can assist with their services. Compared to their previous location in Greenwood, IN, EGA Logistics is now able to work with more clients throughout the midwest as well as the southeast United States. 

EGA Logistics services include 24/7 yard spotting and shuttling services. Managed by trained and experienced CDL professional drivers, EGA Logistics tailors their services to the needs of clients. 

“This is a great day for EGA Logistics. We’re proud of what we’ve accomplished over the years and we are very grateful for the opportunity to be able to help more people. With this move, we’ve opened up the number of folks that we can help to keep their operation moving. We understand the challenges that some of our clients may be facing, which is just one more reason that we work as diligently as possible not just to accomplish our client’s tasks when they need them to be done, but to do so in a way that provides cost-savings as well. We look forward to helping more people than ever,” said Dave Bowers, Founder and CEO of EGA Logistics. 

A veteran-owned business, EGA Logistics has been around for more than twenty years. In addition to yard spotting services, EGA Logistics also offers trucking, warehousing, and consulting services among others. 

For more information about shuttling trailers, yard management in Indianapolis, Midwest, Southeast and the surrounding areas, or to make a press inquiry, contact EGA Logistics through their site or by calling (317) 210-5883.

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